The shaded lamp hangs over my desk,                          illuminating my
alpha-numeric computer keyboard 
but not my thoughts.
All these letters
should combine to make words,
But my mind refuses
to find a pattern that makes sense.

___________________________                                   Marijo Taylor Seidl Nelson Jodock Vik (there’s a story in the names!) has made a living in her 77 years on earth by creating training materials for Fortune 500 companies, struggling with sermons for her role as a lay pastor, and reporting news for nearly 20 years for a small Minnesota weekly newspaper.         

___________________________                                       Vik wrote Stuck for a Story Immersion Project submission call asking for a simple 8-line exercise.                                        

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7 thoughts on “STUCK”

  1. I love the metaphor portrayed by this story “stuck.” I do feel stuck at times for specific words, or sometimes for word patterns to express my mangled train of thoughts. I, too, wish a lamp light up my alleys to find clarity and my way forward.

  2. Wonderful extended metaphor in which lamp-lit keyboard characters can’t shed enough light to create the complex patterns writers envision. Very well done!

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