Success Stories

“I have a beat sheet, I have a complete story, I have an ending, I have a strong theme, and I know why I’m writing it. So that element I used to have of self-doubt and lack of confidence has been completely eliminated. I know where I’m going, I know I’m going to finish it. I know it’s going to be good. That’s what the program has done for me.”  – Amy Spencer

“I used to just sit down and write and see what happened. Now I have a better sense of moving where I want to move to, and being prepared for what that might bring. Bottom line, this has been eye opening for me. I love the video training pieces…I’ve gotten so many of those kind of little amazing bells and whistles out of them as they’ve gone along.”  – Guy Howard Klopp

“Just two months into the Sellable Novel program, I have a storyline and a plot. I have characters…And I’m currently working on the structure…So I think that’s amazing.” – Lesley Roberts

“I have actually landed on a story trajectory that I’m really happy with. …I’ve actually got a defined story idea, I have a protagonist, I know what the character wants, I know what her flaws are. 

…It really is game changing. It’s not like other programs. I actually believe I’m going to finish this novel.” – Aphrodite Knopp 

“It’s just been fabulous. I’ve really gotten a lot out of it and I feel like I’ve learned a lot. You’ve got really excellent material, knowledge, know-how… and being paired with accountability partners – that worked really well, we’ve been a great match…

I really love the interactiveness of the group and the calls. It’s been really excellent. I’m glad I took the leap and did it.” – Nancy Nicholas

“When I was kind of floundering around, all I had to do was ask for help. And I got it immediately. Just what I needed…It’s been an excellent excellent experience. And I’m so glad I did it.” – Jami Wilmarth

Happy Story Immersion Project Writers Say…

“I used the Immersed in Story course to write one entire draft of my first novel. There are places in the course to plug in my story and test it by course standards. I actually have a process to use now! I have recommended Immersed in Story to several of my friends and will continue to do so!”
Lois S.
“I have always wanted to write a novel. Then the Story Immersion Project found me!!! Thank my lucky stars! With Anne's beautiful concise, clearly delivered content I was able to understand the fundamentals of STRUCTURE, PLOT and CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. This provided me with exactly the right knowledge at exactly the right time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Great course!!! I absolutely recommend this to other writers!”
Emily B.
“My biggest challenge when writing screenplays is quality structure and good characterization. But after taking Immersed in Story I have a much better understanding of the key elements of story and how to use the concepts in an effective manner. The course provides easy to understand, detailed information with helpful resource material to download and practice with. I recommend Immersed in Story to other writers!”

“I went into the Immersed in Story course thinking, "This will be easy. I have a few scene ideas so this will come together nicely." But as I began the modules and exercises, I quickly realized I didn't have a story. I didn't know who my characters were, nor what the overall theme was. I do know that parts of it make me smile and laugh at loud, but I want the fun to also become a story.” But after doing the exercises and listening to the lessons, my story is revealing itself. After a few incarnations, writing, and more writing, my characters are clearer to me. And creating an outline definitely helps me develop a sense of story. The modules are not one-and-done exercises. I find myself going back through them again and again as I learn more about my story. I certainly watch TV and movies with a more focused eye on structure. I would indeed recommend Immersed in Story to writers prepared to learn and ready to pursue their writing goals. Thank you so much for your help, Anne.”
Bruce B.
“After 30+ years of corporate marketing, I'm focused on the writing I always wanted to do: creative writing in all forms. I took Immersed in Story to help me make progress on a biographical novel. While the idea has been in my head for years, I finally started putting words on the page a few months ago. I wasn't consistent with working on it and I believe part of the reason was because I was a bit lost in how to structure the story. I used the templates in the Immersed in Story course to develop my concept, sketch out the key parts of each act, and develop my characters. I absolutely recommend the Immersed in Story course! It helped me focus on my story so that the first draft will be stronger than fumbling through it alone. Plus, inevitably, the quick lessons will save me countless hours throughout the writing process. I appreciated the videos and the related exercises, providing a show-and-do approach that is setting me up for success. Thanks for your course, your informative emails, and overall sharing of your knowledge!”
Kimberly Lipsky W.
“I write children’s books. Before taking your immersed in Story course, I was struggling with the flow of my books — as in keeping the readers continually interested and engaged. I was reading, drafting, and changing constantly to a stage where I became overwhelmed. I’m also dyslexic, so obviously this was very challenging at times and affected my concentration. The Immersed in Story course helped me so much with understanding my characters and how they will connect to my readers. The protagonists and antagonists unit benefited me immensely, understanding the importance of characters and how they ensure my books stay exciting until the end. I definitely recommend the Immersed in Story course to any writer considering writing a book, or any writer at the beginning of their author journey. Thank you, Anne Helmstadter, not only for the Immersed in Story course, but also for your daily emails! I look forward to reading them every day. ”
Jacqueline D.
Author, The Roadside Fairies
“I one hundred percent recommend Immersed In Story to other writers, novelists included. The value they'll get from this course is enormously helpful for taking their craft to the next level.”
Garry R.
“Anne has deep knowledge of what makes a story work as well as what makes writers work. Her insights and compassionate guidance make it easier to stay connected to your writing mindset and establish a routine that works for each individual writer. I've been waiting for many years for someone like Anne to come along. I've studied just about every story instructor there is and I've been waiting for someone with Anne's sensibilities - someone who references well-written, compelling stories (novels and films) that are also emotionally driven.”
Tessa M.
“I write Literary Romance and have written a novella, a children’s novel, and loads of short stories. I started writing my first full novel but then Covid struck. I was struggling to get back into writing. The Immersed in Story course it got me going again. I'm on the move! It also got me re-thinking my story structure. I have found the course very useful and I like that it’s not just another quick course on how to write a novel, but rather focuses on what’s important at the end of the day. I recommend Immersed in Story to other writers!”
Alwyn F.
“Currently, I'm working on two novels. I've written three screenplays and self-published two nonfiction books as well. Before taking the Immersed in Story course, I was working on a novel that I got 1/3 done before putting it down. Immersed in Story helped me revisit it by completing an outline. The course helped me see that it’s two novels - not the one I’d believed it to be. The course is also helping me clearly see the triangulation of conflict between three characters. I would absolutely recommend Anne's Immersed in Story course to other writers! Focus is everything and it’s nice to have a mental ‘place’ to go to focus. I am especially grateful for the M-F emails which I see as daily pep talks! Thank you very much for all you’ve given me thus far.”
Cinthia S.
“I'm a business writer by day. At odd hours and in stolen moments, I work on my fantasy sci-fi novel. Before taking the Immersed in Story course, I was stalled at 50,000 words, the midpoint of my novel, book one of a planned trilogy. My story collapsed because I didn't have a structure that mapped the plot, and l wasn't clear about the story arc of my main characters. The Immersed in Story course helped me think about my novel in a new way. The Premise Machine and the Story Beat sections were a goldmine of information. I use them daily as I continue to work on the structure that will allow me to write and finish my book. I wholeheartedly recommend the Immersed in Story course. Anne provided invaluable information that transformed my approach to writing, from seat-of-the-pants to deliberate and thoughtful plotting. Whether you have a story idea but don't know where to start or your writing has stalled, as mine did, you need to take this course. It's well worth your time! ”
Jan N.

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